Snowdonia Winter, early 2013

As I’ve updated my photography section I decided to head into my iPhoto to look for any un-stitched/edited panoramas that I might have hanging around, and boy – I found a couple of what I thought was really nice. I’m not too sure why they were left un-stitched, as I really love they way the came out, especially the first one, looking towards Snowdon (on the left), with the Nantlle Ridge swooping to the right, and Moel Hebog standing strong in the distance.

Yr Wyddfa o Moel Eilio

Craig Cwmbychan o Moel Eilio

Dyffryn Nantlle

The last is somewhat different. When I headed over to Wales a couple of weekends back to see my family and for my big Birthday, I decided one evening to scout the land for possible location ideas for a short film that I’m currently thinking about animating. I really like the location, and the old tree is perfect. Taken from the slopes of Mynydd Mawr, in Dyffryn Nantlle.

Wyddfa from Elidir Fawr, 24 hours time lapse

I had this great idea of somehow using a webcam that’s beautifully located on top of Elidir Fawr in Snowdonia to create a time lapse video of Snowdon. After trawling through the net, I came across a script that would work – but needed some tweaking, but in the end I managed to create something that would download a .jpg at 2 mins interval, over a 24 hour period from a provided URL (in this case, the Elidir Fawr webcam)

Here’s the first result of the first test:

[youtube width=”640″ height=”360″][/youtube]

There’s a few black frames towards midday when the sun was directly shines into the camera (I guess this is what’s causing this to happen?), but I think the test came out really well.

Yesterday, I asked a fellow colleague and super talented Luke Harris if he could think of a super efficient way of creating such a project, and he (within 15 mins!!) wrote a whole new script that does exactly what I want it to do, with all sorts of epic features – so stay tuned, I’m going to be testing his script over the next few days/weeks as I have something really cool in mind with this medium.




Dyffryn Nantlle

As I’m currently back in Wales, every evening I try to head on out to the mountains with my camera, to have a break from my computer. Here’s a couple I’ve taken this last week:

Llyn Nantlle

Yr olygfa o dop Mynydd Mawr

The first is of the fantastic Llyn Nantlle. I was really lucky to capture this – after driving like a fool in the new van to try and capture the great contrast between the mountains and the skies, I only took one photo, and the sun sank really fast behind the clouds, and after hanging around for a good 30 mins, there was no sign of it ever coming back. But I was really happy with the result.

The second if the view from the summit of my favorite mountain – Mynydd Mawr, looking over towards the Nantlle Ridge. The lake from which the first image is taken from can be seen in the Valley below.


As the sun was blasting, and the promise of a lovely sunset was imminent. I headed up Craig Cwmbychan, (the ‘head’ of the elephant that is Mynydd Mawr) to try and capture the sunset, blasting through Nant-Y-Betws below.


So here’s Nant-y-Betws, looking over from Craig Cwmbychan, Mynydd Mawr towards Moel Eilio, and Snowdon on the far right. Llyn Cwellyn can also be seen below.

Tiss a lovely Valley.

Llanberis Pass

Whilst closely watching the sun setting on Monday, I headed up the beautiful Llanberis pass, hoping that the sun will be blasting right up the valley, as it sometimes does – but I wasn’t in luck. The sun did however, set behind Llechog and Grib Goch, with a bright red hue.

Bwlch Llanberis - Llanberis Pass

This was taken just on the PYG track, Pen-Y-Pass. Grib Goch is the steep pyramid shaped peak on the left, while on the right of the valley, we have the terrain sweeping up to Bryn Du, and making it’s way up to Glyder Fawr.

Moel Eilio

I’ve just returned to Wales, and over the weekend I headed out, up to Moel Eilio as I haven’t been up there for a few months now. The sun was blasting, and there was only a few other people up at the top, who ran back down as quickly as they arrived, so I had the whole mountain to myself.

As it was around midday, the lighting wasn’t perfect, but I did manage to take a couple of panoramas of the view towards Snowdon.

Eryri / Snowdonia

Snowdon from Moel Eilio

Moel Eilio is located just North West from Snowdon itself, so the view is always pleasant, and is tagged at 726m high.

A few old Panoramas, Snowdonia – North Wales

Something that I enjoy doing is to sit at my (our) desk, shifting through the wonderful iPhoto looking at my pictures. Every now and again, I come across some un-made panoramas that I took whilst out on my various adventures. Here are 4, relatively old panoramas, that I’ve just stitched up, and played around with. Some of these photographs are about 3 years old!

The first is taken from the road leading up Nant Gywnant, looking over towards Gallt y Wenallt with the Snowdon Horseshoe behind it. The second is taken from Dinas Dinlle, on a great Wintery evening. The third was taken when our walking group headed up Moel Lefn on a freezing cold Winter day, but the light was just fantastic, and the last – although not visually brilliant, is a panorama of my ‘5 square mile’, Dyffryn Nantlle, taken from Y Cilgwyn.

Gallt y Wenallt & the Snowdon Horeshoe, Nant Gwynant
Dinas Dinlle Piws
Moel Lefn, looking towards Criccieth
Dyffryn Nantlle o Parc Bel, Y Cilgwyn