‘Catgroove’ – Got the Groove Dance

I decided to focus a bit on body mechanics over the last couple of weeks, and thought it would be a great idea to animate a full body dance.

It was a fun project to animate, seeing as I’ve never animated a dance scene before. The folks over at 11secondclub helped me out a lot by giving me some great feedback, and generally, I’m very happy with how he turned out.

I’ve dedicated this to my lovely girlfriend, Regina, who’s being super awesome to me right now, who loves Parov’s music so much, and today just happens to be her name day – Všechno nejlepší k svátku, Regina! xo

The audio is Parov Stelar’s ‘Catgroove’ and the Norman Rig is the ‘Cool Shirt Norman’ by F.C. Kiral.

If you’l like to see the Work in Progress thread for this, here’s a link from blocking, straight through to the final render: Got the Groove.


Animation Mentor – Term 1 Reel

Whilst going through my old files, I decided to playblast my Animation Mentor – Term 1 Reel out, and upload it so that I have a reference of it on my website. I’ll render it out someday, so it’s all nice and shinny, but for now, the playblast version is ok. The exercises taught me so much about animation, and it’s good to look back at them now and again. I’ve also included my Baseball pitch from Term 2.

I’ve also created a new page, titled ‘3D Stills‘ which I’ve uploaded my Animation Mentor Poses, along with some other stills of mine. I really enjoyed doing the poses back at AM, I think I’ll start creating them again on a weekly bases, to get some inspiration flowing!

Chaplin Stance

Caveman – a Runcycle


I’m currently in the process of working on my demo reel, everything will be new, a fresh start. Today I played around with the awesome Morpheus rig by Josh Burton, and came up with a nice little scene that I can test the rig out, and possibly animate a quadruped. Here’s a quick screen grab of what it looks like so far:

I’m going for a cartoony animation on this one, very stylised, as you can see from the arms and legs, so I’m pushing the rig as far as I can. I’ll be updating all week! Stay tuned for more folks!